
    “ My brother and I used to come here every day after lunch. We would sit down on this piece of soft land and meadow. Together, we would look at the sky. Gently, we would start breathing slower and slower, with greater amplitude and volumetry. When everything which made us feel safe became darker and darker around us, we began to focus on that part of us always well hidden. We used to concentrate on what we could feel on the inside. I would try to look at myself from a different perspective and listen to the soul inside of me. My brother used to be very good at this. He would sit for hours without moving a finger, without even opening his eyes over a strong wind. On the other hand, I was not very good. I sucked. Frankly. I did not like it that much. But I always loved to spend time with him. And when the sun would meet the ocean, and the wind would lay softly on our skin, we would find our way home. It was always very late in the day. 

    After my brother passed away, I suffered. I kept going to our loved meadow and lay down. I missed him. After some time, I learned to sit down and listen the way he did. I struggled at first, I admit. Eventually, he helped me find my way. Today, when I sit down and see the dark around me, I can hear his heart beating. I can perceive his glance going across the ocean to find better sleep. Every time the wind touches my skin, it heals my soul. He heals my soul. And when the sun disappears across the water, I see there is one light in the darkness. His light in the darkness. His light taught me to be brave and to accept who I am. It taught me to love nature and live well connected to it, as we reciprocally did. He was sure that the first step to a pure soul was happiness. And happiness derived from gratefulness and respect towards the place we grew up and lived.

    Now, I am sure of that too.”

    We Still

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